Critical Mental Health Conversations - Dealing with Anxiety Part Three
Making sense of anxiety in our present day world. Managing Anxiety and Building Personal Resilience. THINK Yourself® Confident. Wellness, Wellplayed: The Power of a Playlist.
Critical Mental Health Conversations - Dealing with Anxiety Part Two
Depression, addictions, stress impacts on immune systems, how to talk about mental health with others.
Critical Mental Health Conversations - Dealing with Anxiety Part One
Speakers talk about emotions, stress, loneliness, conflict and even suicide.
The Marathon Mindset
Endurance athlete Sébastien Sasseville, known for summiting Mount Everest, completing the Sahara Ultramarathon and running across Canada all while battling Type 1 Diabetes, will take the stage with his inspirational Marathon Mindset presentation!
Adopting a Global Mindset
Nabil Doss talks about the benefits of being a GSF member and shares ways to think globally to expand your business reach. Nabil Doss CAPS Member, Affiliated with Montreal Chapter
Stay Healthy on the Road
Michelle Cederberg, CSP CAPS Member, affiliated with Calgary Chapter Interviews Dr. Larry Ohlhauser, CSP CAPS Member, affiliated with Edmonton Chapter
3 Ways to Improve Your Focus
It's a busy, distracting world and keeping on track can be tougher than ever. Productivity catalyst, Clare Kumar, shares three easy-to-remember ways you can improve your productivity today. Spend time (less than seven minutes!) to make time.
Grow Your LIFE, Grow Your Business
If you want to grow your business, you must first grow your life,” says Linda Edgecombe. A seasoned speaker and author with over 25 years in the speaking business, Linda knows what she’s talking about.
How to Access Effortless Living – After Pushing Yourself Too Hard with Mental Exhaustion!
Kindi shares innovative information about how to lead yourself out of pressure. She will bring insights to how fulfillment is accessed that is beyond the last successful "project," relationship, career outcome, or health desire.
Mindset & Wellness Track
Strategies to build the mindset needed to succeed in the speaking business while adopting a global wellness approach. Including a monthly accountability group led by Sue Wedsworth with the other participants enrolled in the track.
This is an easy business to get into. But a tough one to stay in.
We have all heard this before, but as a veteran member, you need to be aware of getting old. Not old as in age, but old as in stale. How are you priming the pump? How are you ensuring that your materials, thinking and habits are not holding you back?
Business Starter Track
A comprehensive 5-month program including 5 monthly live learning meetings, bi-weekly workgroup meetings, individual self-study, homework, practice, and speaker showcase.