The 6 Steps to Create a Profitable Online Course
We all dream about earning income in our sleep. Imagine if we had a profitable online course that would allow our customers access to our content when they wanted to view it.
Let's Create Products
Join 25-year full-time speaking veteran Tyler Hayden as he takes you on one of the most important things you will do for your speaking business. Tyler will show you how to build easy-to-sell - and, better yet, give away products.
Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Repurposing Your Content
In these changing days, it is becoming more and more important to focus on working ON your business while you have some downtime. While some of us are in a content creation whirlwind, we present to you a slightly different perspective.
Interested in Multiple Streams of Income?
Get Off The Road With Multiple Streams Of Income Hugh Culver co-created the world’s most expensive tours (to the South Pole), started five companies, and consulted with Telus, Shoppers Drug Mart, Red Cross, and Bell.
Quit Calling ‘em Webinars and Make More Money Unconference
Webinars, webcasts, virtual presentations. Whatever you call them, speakers have a big problem: Prospective buyers are as (or more!) confused about how to buy your virtual services as you are in selling them.
Calling all authors - Interview with Literary Agent
Rick Frishman, Publisher at Union Square Publishing in New York and founder of Planned Television Arts (now called Media Connect), has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 44 years.
So You Have Written Your Book – Now What?
Writing a book is a good first step for any expert who speaks professionally. Whether a speaker is starting a book, thinking about starting a book or has a manuscript in hand - it is never too early to create the strategy to maximize book benefits.
How To Quickly Write, Publish, And Profit From A Book
Dan Kennedy, noted business “guru” and author of more than 11 books, said it best, “Done properly, a book can change your life and your business forever.” So why don’t more business owners have a book? Why don’t you?
Interview with Les Kletke, Global GhostWriter and Book Coach
Richard and guest Les Kletke are talking about getting your book written and published. The participants will learn the 5 steps to make your book a reality. Being published is an important part of being a speaker and thought leader.
Have your Book Published by July 1
Have you been thinking about a book for a long time but haven’t put a pen to paper or fingers to keyboard? Wondering what’s holding you back? Don’t know where to start? Afraid you’ll never finish?
3 Tips to Finding and Securing Corporate Sponsorships From the Company's Perspective
3 tips for professional speakers, to find and secure corporate sponsors, in order to create win-win partnerships. Get into the heads of corporate decision-makers, and give yourself a competitive advantage!
Sponsorship for Speakers
How you can build sponsorship relationships that will benefit your speaking business. She shares three ideas for finding and connecting with worthwhile sponsors.